The Story of Two Wolves

a Young Cherokee brave noticed the conflict that raged within him.  Night and day the battle ensued and he was in turmoil.  So he went to the Tribal Chief for advise.

The Chief, who was old and wise, had seen many battles said to the young brave:  “The feelings inside you is the battle between two wolves.  One of the wolves is evil – filled with bad feelings such as anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, jealousy and revenge.  The other wolf inside you is good – filled with joy, peace, love, hope, kindness, empathy, justice, truth, compassion and faith.”

The young brave wondered whether this battle between the wolves was causing his sleepless nights.  He asked the Chief:  If these two wolves are fighting inside me, which wolf will win this battle?”

The Chief turned to him and said, “If you feed them right they both win.  You see, if you feed the white wolf, the black one will be hiding around every corner waiting for you to become distracted or weak and jump to get the attention he craves.  He will always be angry and always fighting the white wolf.  But if you acknowledge him, he is happy and we all win  

The black wolf has many qualities – tenacity, courage, strong will and strategic thinking that you need at times.  The white wolf lacks these qualities.  The white wolf has compassion, caring, strength and the ability to recognize what is in the best interests of us all.  The white wolf needs the black wolf at his side.  

To feed only one would starve the other and they will soon become uncontrollable.  To feed and care for them both means that they will serve you well and do nothing which is not part of something greater.  Something good.  Something of life.  Feed them both and there will be no more internal struggle for your attention, and when there is no more battle inside you, you can listen to the voices inside you – of deeper knowing, that will guide you in choosing what is right in every circumstance.  

He who has peace in life has everything.  He who is pulled apart by the war inside him has nothing.  How you choose to interact with the opposing forces within you will determine your life.  

Starve one or the other, or guide them both”.